Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mid-January Already!!

I can't believe how fast time flies by! I have been told when you have kids, it goes even faster. I remember when I was young, I would feel like time was at a stand still (especially when anticipating an event or vacation). My grandpa used to always tell me how fast time goes when you get older. I was excited for that day to come and now that I am here, I miss being young and having more time. 

Anyways, this month has been filled with many adventures. From spending time with friends and family, to visiting one of our (the hubs and my) fave spots in Pacific Grove, to birthday celebrations to spending quality time with a bestie and her new baby and watching football games (let's not discuss the Niners game, it is still too soon). I have been one busy bee. 

A few girlfriends and I have been trying to schedule a day/night that works for all four of us and everyone is so busy that it looks like we are planning on mid-February and one of the girls still may not be able to attend. Another group of girlfriends had to plan a day in March because we couldn't coordinate schedules before that. See what happens when you grow up....time=flying!

The odd thing is, is when I do have some free time I find myself either 1.) trying to make plans or 2.) being a lazy bum and sit on my ass watching reality TV or Friends/Sex and the City re-runs that I have seen a million times. I need to start making better use if my free time and maybe start organizing my house, working out, planning meals... You know all the things I complain about not having enough time for!

Goal for now - make better use of free time and/or possibly cancel cable. Eeeks.

Brain dump over! 

And because every post is better with a picture.

Pacific Grove - One of my happy places 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome 2014!!

Holy wowzers, it is 2014. 

I haven't blogged in a while and am hoping to return to it on a more regular basis. I have another blog with followers...some of whom I became friends with through blogging and others that are my real life friends that were following my blog. I decided to start this blog to truly write about things in my life without editing my thoughts knowing that I will be seeing/talking with some people later that day.

2013 was a rough year for me. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad. I got a new job that I am enjoying, I was able to make some fabulous memories with my friends, family and husband. However, it was also a year if sadness, heartache, hurt (both physically and emotionally) and disappointment. Plus with all this, I gained a ton of weight and just am not proud of the person I am, inside and out.

For 2014, my hope is that I can become happy with my life and who I am. That I can motivate myself to be the best me I can be. I don't want to be a bitter, jealous, irritable, chubby person that I have become. I know that I can get through these struggles, but I also know it isn't going to come easy.

Welcome to my journey for a fabulous 2014. Let's make it a wonderful year!!